On Tuesday, July 11, starting at 9:30 a.m., at the headquarters of Confindustria Salerno, the results of the “STRATER” (Strawberry Stem Remover) project, an innovative strawberry processing system that can meet the needs of producers of processed and preserved fruit, will be presented by CTI Foodtech.

Currently, there is no system to automatically locate and position strawberries in an industrial process (an operation entirely delegated to labor). Seventy-five to 80 percent of strawberry processing is still done manually, generating a large waste of raw material and waste of water resources needed for continuous washing of the product.

The press conference and results dissemination seminar will feature: Alessandro Crescenzo, Head of CTI Foodtech R&D Team, who will make a presentation of the company, the background and the R&D structure of CTI Foodtech; Biagio Crescenzo, CEO of CTI Foodtech and Head of the “STRATER” Project, who will describe the project, the state of the art in which it fits, the objectives and the results achieved, both in terms of production and with respect to sustainability issues; Antonio Pietrosanto, Full Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering/DIIN of the University of Salerno and Head of DIIN Performance in the STRATER Project. Valeria Fascione, Councillor for Research, Innovation and Startups of the Campania Region, will be in charge of the conclusions.

This will be followed by a company tour at CTI Foodtech’s plant in Salerno’s Industrial Zone (via Acquasanta,13).

The seminar to disseminate the results of the STRATER Project takes place within the framework of the Public Notice for the Support to Campania MPMIs of the Realization of Technology Transfer and Industrialization Projects Priority Axis 3 – Specific Objective 3.1 Action 3.1.1.

The company’s international customers can follow the seminar by logging on to this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81348205961?pwd=cDQ3ZGRjV1hucXJ0eUk0dklQVlZZQT09.